Book your consultation today!


Welcome to Ohm Woke, where we believe that a journey to wellness begins with what's on your plate! Our chef, chef Sheena SheWins, is excited to offer personalized consultations to dive into your unique health and wellness goals, crafting customized meal plans tailored just for you and your lifestyle.

Services Offered:

  1. Health and Wellness Consultations: Embark on a 60-minute call or Zoom session with Chef Sheena SheWins, where you'll discuss your health objectives, dietary preferences, and any specific wellness goals you have in mind. Our chef will provide expert insights and guidance to set you on the path to a healthier, more vibrant lifestyle.

  2. Customized Meal Planning Services: Experience the convenience and deliciousness of personalized meal plans and meal preps designed to meet your individual needs. Chef Sheena SheWins will curate a menu that aligns with your dietary requirements, tastes, and health objectives, ensuring each bite contributes to your well-being.

  3. Culinary Classes for Schools and Organizations: Elevate your culinary game by partnering with Chef Sheena SheWins for engaging and educational culinary classes. Whether for your school or organization, these classes are designed to impart culinary skills, foster a love for wholesome cooking, and promote a healthier approach to food.

Investment: For a limited time, secure your 60-minute consultation with Chef Sheena SheWins for just $99 remit payment via cashapp $ohmwoke. Once payment is received our team will contact you to schedule the consultation. This one-on-one session is your opportunity to glean insights from a seasoned culinary expert and set the foundation for your wellness journey.

Please fill out the brief questionnaire in great detail. Include city and state please and best contact number for you. Please indicate if you would like a zoom or phone call consultation.